
عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠١٧

EduHappy School Management Software

EduHappy School Management Software Nowadays, schools; whether K-12, preschools, Primary, Elementary, High Schools, or even the universities and colleges are having an increasing demand to streamline the learning process while managing the school enterprise resources in an optimum way. School Management Software in my point of view has to integrate three major systems in order to provide the school what it needs from building the school infrastructure in the system to administer the whole school ERP as well as managing the learning process itself which is the core business for any school. These three major systems we are talking about are namely the School Management System (SMS) or School ERP, the Student Information System (SIS) and the School Learning Management System (LMS). Learning Management System (LMS) allows communication and interaction between teachers and students in virtual spaces.  But when we talk about Learning Management System for schools then we m